Farm Visits

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2 comments on “Farm Visits
  1. Oak Valley : The pigs spend about half of their lives in tiny indoor pens. The other half they do get to roam outside but unfortunately the marketing that Oak Valley does regarding the feeding is total greenwash. The pigs eat most GMOs and not acorns as the brochure touts.


    • chrisrawbs says:

      @elabelsa: I can only assume that your reading capacity is somewhat limited as the article categorically states that the sows are kept in farrow pens for 5 weeks while feeding piglets – not half their lives. The article also states that we use GMO feed to supplement the acorn finishing regime. Again, we do not hide this fact in the article. Our pigs roam freely on 5ha of open pasture and there are no added hormones or antibiotics. I challenge you to find a better living environment for commercial pig farming in South Africa. If you feel so strongly, perhaps you should consider free-range pig farming yourself – I’d imagine you’d find it rather challenging! Best regards, Christopher Rawbone-Viljoen | Marketing Director, Oak Valley Estate |


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